IBM Software

DB2 Common Server

DB2 Server

DB2 Server provides the database engine functions, plus:

  • A cost-based SQL optimizer
  • Support for many different data types (text, large documents, audio, video, and images)
  • Support for object-oriented techniques to design your databases
  • Graphical tools to manage your data.

And DB2 works on any platform you choose.

DB2 Server provides support for clients to access both local and remote databases.

A workstation with DB2 Server installed and connected to a network can participate in a client/server environment. Local applications can access local databases. Remote clients can access remote databases, and can also execute local applications. Clients wanting remote access must install the Client Application Enabler component, and must communicate using one of the protocols supported by DB2 Server. In this environment, clients can work without knowing the location of the physical database.

DB2 Server and its clients are available on many different platforms:

Server Platforms Clients Supported
Windows NT
SCO OpenServer
Solaris Operating Environment
Windows 3.1
Windows 95
Windows NT
Macintosh System 7
SCO OpenServer
Solaris Operating Environment

In addition to the database engine functions, DB2 Server contains the following components:

Client Application Enabler To access remote databases.
Command Line Processor To execute SQL statements and DB2 commands.
Database Director* To perform administrative functions in DB2 databases.
Visual Explain* To view access plans used by DB2 for SQL statements.
Performance Monitor* To capture database information at a specific point or over a given period of time.

* Not available on all platforms.

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